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- Розслідування | Polygraph Detector
Investigation Conducting an official investigation of current employees is necessary if you have: money, property of the company or personnel disappear; important confidential information is leaked to competitors; employees cause any damage to the company; staff conceals important information from management; other issues of personnel control. How we can help: expose dishonest employees; find out about the machinations and conspiracy of the staff; minimize the risks of theft of money, material values and information; return stolen goods; establish full control over security in the organization. Identifying the circumstances and reasons for the disappearance of things that do not exist with the help of a polygraph (lie detector). Unfortunately, quite often people ask for help to find a person from a team or a company of friends involved in the disappearance of any thing or money, sometimes even the price of which is ridiculous compared to the cost of conducting an inspection. But people want to know who among their team has become dishonest, because another time he can steal something more valuable, or set him up with his actions. We are ready to provide high-quality services, and we guarantee their objectivity. Conducting investigations using a polygraph with a high probability of up to 98%.
- Послуги | Polygraph Detector
Our services Upon employment, current employees or dismissal. Personnel checks Read More Betrayal, test of loyalty to a partner. Inspections of a private nature Read More Check for involvement in theft or information leakage. Investigation Read More Before giving access to your home and your secrets, Inspection of domestic staff Read More
- Ціни | Polygraph Detector
Cost Verification of job candidates from UAH 1,000 Periodic inspection of personnel from UAH 1,000 Inspection during official investigation from UAH 1,000 Inspection of domestic staff 2000 hryvnias Inspection for the fact of theft 4000 hryvnias Check on personal topics 4000 hryvnias We carry out testing on-site and abroad, conditions are negotiated individually.
- Про нас | Polygraph Detector
About employees: All employees have extensive experience in the field of detection of lies using a computer polygraph (lie detector) and have a basic education in the field of "psychology". Among our team there are employees with the scientific degree "candidate of sciences", and most of the employees publish scientific articles in scientific journals. It is mandatory for all employees to attend seminars, lectures, professional development courses. Polygraphs of which manufacturer do we use? We use Lafayette (USA) or Rubicon (Ukraine) polygraphs. Place to check: The basic place for the examination is a room equipped to meet the requirements for examinations with the help of a computer polygraph, in one of our offices. However, there are cases when the customer cannot interrupt the work process, and then we go to the customer, if possible, to organize the specialist's workplace last. The main area of our activity is Kyiv and the Kyiv region, but we have the opportunity to second our specialist to other cities of Ukraine, or even abroad. About cooperation with our customers: All our customers remain anonymous and can not worry about the leakage of information from our specialists. For regular customers, we always have a loyalty program (discounts or "cashback"). For more detailed information, call +38 068 230-10-20 +38 093 230-10-20
- Контакти | Polygraph Detector
Contacts Polygraph Detector Service Lie detector Надіслати Office: m. Kyiv, Shevchenko Lane 4 Tel. +38 (093) 230-10-20 +38 (068) 230-10-20
- Встановлення систем безпеки | Polygraph Detector
Engineering- technical measures Installation of means of protection against leakage of language information Equipping the premises with technical means of protection to prevent leakage through vibroacoustic and acoustic channels of information. Provision of premises, meeting halls to protect against leakage of language information. Installation of a video surveillance system Sale and installation of video surveillance systems of any complexity. Installation of security alarms Internal (premises security) alarm system Perimeter (territory security) alarm system Installation of an access control system Controlled access - limitation of the circle of persons admitted to certain protected zones, buildings, premises, and control over the movement of these persons within them. The basis for admission is a certain method for identification and comparison with the reference parameters of the system by methods of identification of authorized persons for their right of access to premises, buildings, zones.
- Технічна безпека | Polygraph Detector
Areas of work on technical safety Services for the detection of embedded devices at the object of information activity Engineering - technical measures Security assessment
- Часті запитання | Polygraph Detector
Чи безпечний поліграф? Поліграф - це просто "реєстратор", який за допомогою закріплених давачів зчитує деякі фізіологічні показники організму обстежуваної особи. На цьому дія приладу закінчується. Всю іншу роботу виконує фахівець-поліграфолог. Таким чином, стає очевидно, що поліграф абсолютно безпечний. Чи може поліграф помилятися? Поліграф - це прилад, який просто об'єктивно реєструє те, що відбувається в організмі опитуваного при пред'явленні стимулів. Помилитися може поліграфолог, як і будь-яка інша людина. Саме тому вкрай важливо вибрати кваліфікованого спеціаліста з диплом про професійну підготовку та успішний досвід роботи. Наші фахівці мають необхідну освіту і велику практику перевірок. Телефонуйте і ми Вам обов'язково допоможемо. Скільки часу вимагає перевірка на поліграфі? Тривалість перевірки на поліграфі залежить від багатьох факторів, і перш за все від виду обстеження (скринінг це або службове розслідування) і кількості питань поставлених для вирішення. В середньому на перевірку однієї людини йде від 1,5 години до 2,5 годин. Значний час в ході обстеження займає передтестова співбесіда. Чи можна обдурити поліграф? Як обдурити поліграф? Як обдурити Детектор брехні? Відвідувачі інтернету досить часто задають ці питання. Поліграф - складний і дуже чутливий прилад. Сучасні поліграфи реєструють цілий комплекс рефлекторно змінюваних психофізіологічних параметрів, що забезпечує високу точність результатів обстеження. Помилки Детектора брехні - це помилки не приладу, а фахівця-поліграфолога. Недостатня кваліфікація ось, що насправді може привести до невірних результатів. Досвідченого ж фахівця не введуть в оману ні лікарські блокатори, ні «народні засоби, ні, навіть, спеціально навчені люди. Найбільш часті способи протидії поліграфу можна умовно звести до наступних груп (всі вони добре відомі фахівцям-поліграфологам): - механічні; - психологічні; - фармацевтичні; - поведінкові. Не намагайтеся обманювати Поліграф! Спроба протидії проведенню поліграфної перевірки - це перша ознака причетності тестованого до розслідуваної події. Якщо Вам належить перевірка з використанням поліграфа, не випробовуйте долю, намагаючись протидіяти поліграфологові. Досвідчений фахівець без складнощів виявить Ваші дії, і Вам буде, як мінімум, соромно, а Ваша чесність при відповідях на питання буде піддана великому сумніву. Що треба знати обстежуваному перед перевіркою на поліграфі? Якщо Вам необхідно в найближчий час пройти перевірку на поліграфі: - не треба боятися, ця процедура абсолютно нешкідлива і безпечна; - перевірка на поліграфі може проводитися тільки після Вашої добровільної письмової згоди; - перед перевіркою на поліграфі треба добре відпочити, виспатися; - не слід приймати перед процедурою перевірки медичні або якісь інші речовини - все це може послужити причиною того, що поліграфолог запідозрить Вас в спробах протидії, з винесенням висновку про можливу Вашу причетності до розслідуваної події; - в ході бесіди з поліграфологом треба уважно ознайомитися з усіма темами і списком питань, пропонованих для з'ясування (незрозумілих для Вас питань бути не повинно); - в ході тестування відповідати на всі питання слід максимально чесно і відверто.
- Приватні перевірки | Polygraph Detector
Private inspections Cheating check on a lie detector very often is the only way that reveals the fact of betrayal or that confirms marital fidelity. The specificity of betrayal is that each of the participants in this event is interested in hiding this fact and makes significant efforts to ensure that marital infidelity remains a secret. Therefore, treason is difficult to detect even by such expensive methods as external surveillance, listening to telephone conversations, scanning mail and text messages. For example, a single fact of betrayal of a wife or husband who is on a business trip in another city is extremely difficult or almost impossible to detect by other means. A lie detector test establishes or denies this fact in a matter of hours. However, even episodic adultery of a husband or wife very often sets off a chain of events that, in its development, lead to a break in relations, psychological trauma, and property losses. On the other hand, subjective unwarranted suspicions of infidelity arising from a husband or wife can not only cause psychological discomfort in the family, lead to neurosis, but also provoke real infidelity. Which together create unbearable conditions for coexistence in the family and often lead to divorce. Although the adultery itself, which caused the initial suspicions, did not happen in reality. In both cases, a check for treason on a lie detector allows you to find out the truth and, depending on the result, take the next steps in a reasoned and conscious manner. Checking teenagers on a polygraph (lie detector) Conducting a psychophysiological examination of a minor requires a special approach and special professionalism of the polygraph examiner. The main tasks for polygraph testing today are: - addiction (drug, alcohol) - passion for gambling - participation in various groups of a negative nature / dangerous groups in social networks - suicidal tendencies - sectarianism, prostitution, theft at home / at school - establishing non-involvement in the event.
- Кадрові перевірки | Polygraph Detector
Personnel checks (lie detector) -future employees to conceal a criminal past, any addictions, hidden employment intentions (working for competitors, employment for access to information, use of job opportunities), concealing the reasons for dismissal from a previous workplace; -current employees companies for leaking information, receiving kickbacks (bribes), using the company's material assets for personal enrichment, working with competitors, using drugs or drinking alcoholic beverages during working hours; -upon dismissal , misappropriation of confidential information (saving information on personal media), causing harm while working for the company, concealing the true reason for dismissal. We have extensive experience and constant cooperation with financial companies, agricultural sector, IT companies, media companies, car service network, construction companies and sports facilities. The algorithm for starting cooperation 1. We discuss the terms of cooperation over the phone. 2. We sign a non-disclosure agreement (in the office or by mail). We do not even disclose the names of the companies we cooperate with. 3. We coordinate the list of questions for testing. But there are possible risks related to the specifics of your employees' work. 4. We coordinate the time and date of testing. We provide detailed information and a reminder for the respondent on how to prepare for the successful passing of the test.
- Перевірка домашнього персоналу | Polygraph Detector
Inspection of domestic staff It is not by chance that we made the inspection of domestic staff a separate section. After all, domestic staff is the category of workers who have the most complete and personal information, and often work with the most valuable thing in life, with children. Each worker has his risks For example, a babysitter or domestic worker may misappropriate (use) personal items. master, collection confidential and personal information, rough treatment of children. The driver using the car for one's own purposes, cheating on the car service, fraud with fuel, careless handling of the car, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. What the polygraph check of domestic staff will reveal (when employed): - find out the true motivation for work; - find out the reasons for which a person left a previous job; - determine whether there have been cases of theft, harsh treatment of children and animals, as well as problems with law enforcement agencies; - violations committed in past jobs; - detect the presence of addictions (alcohol, drug, gaming, etc.); To expose a worker who is already working in a lie, a polygraph test (lie detector) will help with the following risks: - collection, storage or distribution of personal (confidential) information; - rude, harsh treatment of children or pets; - appropriation, use of the host's personal belongings; - fraud with allocated funds; - sloppy attitude, causing damage, using any technical means for one's own purposes; - any other risks that are possible for the worker in a specific field of activity. For of companies (persons) that help with employment abroad, a foreign language statement is possible for a future employer abroad.
- Подарунковий сертифікат | Polygraph Detector
Gift certificate Don't know what to give a business partner? Give him a polygraph test of his deputies or staff. Don't know what to give a friend? Give him the gift of his wife's polygraph test. There are many options, your case will be unique in any case. Do not delay, the number of certificates is limited.